Creating Innovative & Translational Research


Lena De Bonte


Lena obtained a Master of Science in criminological sciences (2021) and sociology (2023) from Ghent University. During her Bachelor's studies, she developed a keen interest in opioid use and the related stigma. Her master’s thesis in criminology was focused on the experiences of clients of opiate substitution treatments with intra-group stigma. Studying sociology allowed her to apply a health perspective to this subject and develop an interdisciplinary point of view. In the context of her master’s thesis in sociology, she investigated the discourse of pharmacists and general practitioners about clients of opiate substitution treatments. 

In October 2023, Lena joined the Ghent Health Psychology Lab as a PhD student. Her doctoral research, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Liesbet Goubert and Dr. Melissa Ceuterick, centers on healthcare providers' viewpoints regarding the utilization of opioid medication and the associated social stigma related to opioids in the broader population. Mixed methods will be applied to attain an in-depth insight into opioid-related public and provider stigma through an interdisciplinary perspective. This research project will be conducted in close collaboration with Dr. Fleur Baert and Justine Vanbavinckhove.


  • Health psychology
  • Public and provider stigma
  • Opioid medication
  • Chronic pain

Fleur Baert

Fleur graduated as a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University.

Maya Braun

Maya obtained her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University. After collecting experience in different areas of psychology during her student jobs, internships and theses, she joined the Health Psychology Lab of Ghent University as a doctoral student

Melissa Ceuterick

Melissa Ceuterick is a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University

Geert Crombez

Geert Crombez is Professor of Health Psychology in the Department of Experimental-Health Psychology at Ghent University.

Marie De Breucker

I obtained my Master of Science in Theoretical and Experimental Psychology at Ghent University in 2021. During my six month research internship at the Ghent Experimental Psychiatry Lab, where I investigated an attentional bias to food in patients with anorexia nervosa, my interest in research was further enhanced, especially involving clinical populations.

Annick De Paepe

Annick De Paepe is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Geert Crombez and Prof. Dr. Delfien Van Dyck at the Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology at Ghent University.

Britt Di Vita

Britt obtained a BSc degree in Speech and Language Pathology (2019), followed by a MSc degree in Theoretical and Experimental Psychology (2023) from Ghent University.

Liesbet Goubert

Liesbet Goubert is Full Professor of Clinical Health Psychology in the Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology at Ghent University.

Laura Maenhout

Laura obtained a Master's degree in Educational Sciences, main subject Special Education, Disability Studies and Behavioural Disorders at Ghent University.

Sarah Maes

Sarah Maes graduated as MSc in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, obtained a degree in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Cognitive Therapy in the same year and a degree in Clinical Neuropsychology.

Eleana Pinto

Eleana obtained her master degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation at the University of Padova (Italy). During her studies, she did her internship at the Neuroscience of Movement Lab (NEMO Lab, University of Padova).

Emma Tack

Emma is a doctoral student at the Health Psychology Lab of Ghent University and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the University of Antwerp.

Marthe Tulpin

Marthe obtained her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University. Her interest in the field of health psychology roots from the beginning of her studies, but deepened during working on her master’s thesis under supervision of prof. dr. Liesbet Goubert and prof. dr. Eline Van Hoecke.

Maité Van Alboom

Maité graduated as a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University. During her studies she became increasingly interested in the field of Health Psychology.

Justine Vanbavinckhove

Justine obtained her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in July 2022. During her studies and internship at a multidisciplinary pain center she became deeply interested in topics within the field of Health Psychology

Gunther Van Bost

Gunther completed his Master in Science of Psychology at the University of Leuven. He did his internship at the University Hospital of Leuven under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Vandenbussche.

Stefaan Van Damme

Stefaan Van Damme is Associate Professor in the Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology at Ghent University.

Marthe Van Overbeke

Marthe obtained her Master of Science in rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy, in both musculoskeletal and internal disorders from Ghent University.

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem is a visiting professor in the Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology at Ghent University.

Elke Veirman

Elke Veirman obtained her Phd in clinical psychology, entitled 'Emotional intelligence in children and adolescents: in search of a theoretical framework and improved assessment methods.'

Katina Daems

Sara Cornelis

Joke Verstuyf

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