Dimitri Van Ryckeghem
Dimitri Van Ryckeghem is a visiting professor in the Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium. He obtained his Phd in clinical psychology entitled 'Attention and pain: A cognitive-affective analysis.' in 2012. This PhD was supervised by Prof. dr. Geert Crombez. During his PhD, he investigated the interplay between attention and pain within a cognitive-affective framework. In particular, his research focused upon the influencing factors (such as attentional switching ability) of distraction efficacy as a strategy to cope with pain. Furthermore his research focuses upon the existence, antecedents and consequences of attentional bias towards pain-related information in people experiencing pain. Current research of Dimitri focuses upon distraction efficacy and task interference as predictors of daily pain outcomes in chronic pain patients using a dairy methodology.
- Cognitive-affective factors influencing the interplay between attention and pain
- Chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome
- Attentional bias
- Pain coping strategies
- Self-regulation in chronic pain patients

Fleur Baert
Fleur graduated as a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University.
Maya Braun
Maya obtained her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University. After collecting experience in different areas of psychology during her student jobs, internships and theses, she joined the Health Psychology Lab of Ghent University as a doctoral student
Melissa Ceuterick
Melissa Ceuterick is a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University
Geert Crombez
Geert Crombez is Professor of Health Psychology in the Department of Experimental-Health Psychology at Ghent University.
Lena De Bonte
Lena obtained a Master of Science in criminological sciences (2021) and sociology (2023) from Ghent University. During her Bachelor's studies, she developed a keen interest in opioid use and the related stigma